To email a department directly, click on the corresponding link below.
General Information - (213) 680-5200
Cathedral Associates - (213) 680-5219
Gift Shop - (213) 680-5277
Mausoleum - (213) 680-5226
Media & Livestreaming - (213) 637-7760
Music - (213) 680-5205
Tour Information - (213) 680-5215
Volunteers - (213) 680-5215
Baptism Inquiries*
Wedding Inquiries*
*Please read the Sacraments page for Baptism and Wedding requirements prior to emailing us.
Main Line: (213) 680-5200
Parking Office: (213) 620-6277
Cathedral Communications: (213) 637-7760
Crypt Mausoleum: (213) 680-5226
Cathedral Relations: (213) 680-5219
Giftshop: (213) 680-5277
Hospitality & Events: (213) 680-5273
Outreach @ St. Francis Center: (213)747-5347
Parish Office: (213) 680-5200
Parking PCA: (213) 620-6277
Tours: (213) 680-5215
Volunteers: (213) 680-5215
Your comments are welcome! Please direct questions or comments about this site to [email protected].
You can find address and contact information for individual parishes by using our online parish locator database.
For Catholic Schools contact information including how to find out about teaching opportunities or
register concerns about a school, please visit Archdiocesan Department of Education or call (213) 637-7300.
Comment about a position or statement by Archbishop Gomez or the Archdiocese:
Please contact Media Relations at (213) 637-7215 or [email protected].